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<logevents lestart="2012-05-23T04:14:03Z" />
<item logid="1642" ns="0" title="Test" pageid="0" type="delete" action="delete" user="Thorzzzten" timestamp="2014-04-19T07:26:42Z" comment="Spam: Inhalt war: „test - [] -“" />
<item logid="1641" ns="0" title="Aubu" pageid="0" type="delete" action="delete" user="Thorzzzten" timestamp="2014-04-19T07:25:48Z" comment="Spam: Inhalt war: „[[Kategorie: Firmenverzeichnis]] [[Kategorie: Tunerverzeichnis]] {| cellspacing="2" style="border: 1px #000000 solid; background: #FFEE99" | Dieser Artikel ist Teil eines Firmen-Verzeichnisses und soll keine Werbung darstellen. E…" />
<item logid="1640" ns="0" title="C & C Market Research" pageid="0" type="delete" action="delete" user="Thorzzzten" timestamp="2014-04-19T07:25:24Z" comment="Spam: Inhalt war: „'''C & C Market Research, Inc''' (founded 1985) is an [[United States|American]] [[advertising]] and [[market research]] field service and data collection fi…“ (einziger Bearbeiter: [[Special:Contributions/|24.248.…" />
<item logid="1639" ns="0" title="Götschl" pageid="0" type="delete" action="delete" user="Thorzzzten" timestamp="2014-04-19T07:24:58Z" comment="Spam: Inhalt war: „'''Klaus Götschl (*11. Oktober 1961 in Parsberg / Bayern ; Klaus Götschl ist Prof. Dr. der Wirtschaftswissenschaften == Leben == Klaus (Dieter) Götschl stammt mütterlicherseits von einer Arbeiterin, väterlicherseits von …" />
<item logid="1638" ns="0" title="Manufacturing Plant Rotate Job Positions - jobs oxofrd" pageid="0" type="delete" action="delete" user="Thorzzzten" timestamp="2014-04-19T07:21:07Z" comment="Spam: Inhalt war: „ ==<center>Manufacturing Plant Rotate Job Positions</center>== . . . . <center><big>'''This Topic Has Been Moved.'''</big></center> <center><big>'''New Location is…“ (einziger Bearbeiter: [[Special:Contributions/Partwash|Pa…" />
<item logid="1637" ns="2" title="Benutzer:HeleneGoudie" pageid="0" type="delete" action="delete" user="Thorzzzten" timestamp="2014-04-14T07:28:00Z" comment="Spam: Inhalt war: „I am 37 years old and my name is Federico Durgin. I life in San Sebastiano (Italy).<br><br>Here is my blog - [ positi…“ (einziger Bearbeiter: [[Special:Contributions/HeleneGoudie|Helene…" />
<item logid="1636" ns="0" title="Revealing Systems In legit work from home jobs" pageid="0" type="delete" action="delete" user="Thorzzzten" timestamp="2014-04-14T07:27:35Z" comment="Spam: Inhalt war: „ []Legit Work From Online Home Jobs<br><br>{Sequel {to the|towards the|for the|on the} global economic meltdown of 2008, {…“ (einziger Bearbeiter: [[Special:Contributions/HeleneGoudie|Helene…" />
<item logid="1635" ns="0" title="Adult Dating P" pageid="0" type="delete" action="delete" user="Thorzzzten" timestamp="2012-05-23T04:14:44Z" comment="Inhalt war: „ ==<center>Adult Dating P</center>== . . . . <center>[“ (einziger Bearbeiter: [[Special:Contributions/Fitchos|Fitchos]])" />
<item logid="1634" ns="0" title="1980s Typical Jobs" pageid="0" type="delete" action="delete" user="Thorzzzten" timestamp="2012-05-23T04:14:28Z" comment="Inhalt war: „ ==<center>1980s Typical Jobs</center>== . . . . <center><big>'''This Topic "1980s Typical Jobs" Has Been Moved.'''</big></center> <center><big>'''New Location is [htt...“ (einziger Bearbeiter: [[Special:Contributions/Helpur|Helpur]])" />
<item logid="1633" ns="0" title="4h Clip Art Free" pageid="0" type="delete" action="delete" user="Thorzzzten" timestamp="2012-05-23T04:14:16Z" comment="Inhalt war: „ ==<center>4h Clip Art Free</center>== . . . . <center><big>'''This Topic "4h Clip Art Free" Has Been Moved.'''</big></center> <center><big>'''New Location is [htt...“ (einziger Bearbeiter: [[Special:Contributions/Govimead|Govimead]])" />